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HERO is Holding the Spot

(Future adoptees are being groomed, no one is ready for a new home yet!)


Meet Hero!

See his black cape and mask?

He’s decided that life was grand on the inside, where is super hero skills could be put to the test.

He loves to be helpful, like any super hero. He will help you with your chores, especially when it comes to making food. He will help you take your shower too.

He will most assuredly rescue you from feeling lonely…in fact, his favorite thing to do is sitting on your lap and holding your hand with his paw. 

Like most superheroes, he’s got lots of admirers.

His other kitty friends here enjoy his company except when he tries to hog the limelight, which superheroes tend to do. He sure likes to know he is number one in the public’s eye!

He loves his people friends and shows it every chance he gets. 

He had one experience with a dog, whom he originally identified as a super villain, but when the dog shared his treats, Hero relaxed and realized this dog could eventually become another sidekick if time permitted. 

When not in superhero mode, he is also-known-as mild mannered “Henry,” but sometimes get’s called “Honkers” because he doesn’t meow, he honks.

This, of course, is all part of his nerdy disguise. It sure brings a smile to everyone’s face. 

Humans: He’s best with someone with infinite patience and a strong interest in taking the long view on teaching him manners.


Cats: He gets along fine with most other cats. He will often try to make friends with them, then sometimes try to bully them a little if he senses they are pushovers.

Dogs: He shows a little fear and some intrigue. Would likely be fine with a dog if the dog mostly left him alone.

  • Fixed Male

  • Born Approximately 2012

  • Black & White Tuxedo

  • Domestic Short Hair

  • FIV Positive (see other tab)

FIV is Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. 


It’s usually caught when cats exchange fluid, often by fighting. 


A cat who tests positive with FIV can still live a long, normal life. They tend to catch diseases easier though, so they do best as indoor only cats where they are not exposed to other nasty cat sicknesses.